Welcome to my website. I hope you enjoy the images presented. Please contact me directly with questions, comments or requests.

Visitors 1448
85 photos, 40 videos

I became seriously interested in photography about 15 years ago when my work took me on several trips to India. Now many friends ask to see my photos whenever I return from a trip. This website is my way of sharing my work. Please contact me directly if you are interested in a specific image.

Vicki Rupp

Contact Info
AddressKentfield, CA
United States
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Fall Foliage 2020

Visitors 36
10 photos
Created 24-Jun-24
Modified 24-Jun-24
Fall Foliage 2020

Bodies in Motion

Visitors 88
26 photos
Created 4-Mar-24
Modified 4-Mar-24
Bodies in Motion

Newfoundland June 2017

Visitors 86
30 items
Created 4-Jul-17
Modified 4-Jul-17
Newfoundland June 2017

Botswana April 2017

Visitors 104
40 items
Created 2-May-17
Modified 2-May-17
Botswana April 2017

Botswana 2015

Galleries 1
Modified 29-Dec-15
19 videos
Open All Photographs

Guestbook for Vicki Rupp Photography
Kept me from doing what I was supposed to do this morning -- and I couldn't be happier. A wonderful range of images. You can clearly relate beautifully with your human subjects. The warmth in their eyes comes from within them but also reflects trust.

Thanks for sharing these, Vicki.
Susan Bierzychudek(non-registered)
As anticipated, you again succeeded in captivating the elegance of a culture and peppering it with moments of current reality... through the eyes and hearts of the people you captured.

Thanks for taking me along on your trip, Vicki. It's always a delight.
Kathy L.(non-registered)
I like the design of your page along with all the great photos. You look very good in the chair!
Ron Trosvig(non-registered)
Hi Vicki, so good to hear from you. I like your new site and your photography is "world class"!
Take care, Ron
Stephen Briggs(non-registered)
You've got the touch, Vicki. Always did.
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